Rona Trinidad-Retana has been a Nurse/Nurse Practitioner for 20 years. Her nursing background includes Trauma ICU, MICU, and ED at UF Health, Baptist, and Orange Park Medical in Florida. She found her love for Aesthetic Medicine working alongside her husband Dr. Retana and at George Washington University Neurology treating chronic migraines with Botox. Her aesthetic training include Rana Kennelly, Julie Horne, Erika Barry (InjectorBunny), Dr. Thuy Doan, Dr. Lee Walker, Dr. Tom van Eijk, Nurse Yalda, Academy For Injection Anatomy With Dr. Surek, Andrea Cotton and more.

Nurse Yalda Soroush, MSN, BSN, CANS
Nurse Yalda is a highly experienced practitioner in aesthetic injectables and aesthetic medicine. Practicing passionately since 2008, she began her